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Terminator Revisited

I've been watching "The Sarah Connor Chronicles," and so far, it's been pretty good. It's got strong acting, interesting plotlines, and the girl from Firefly kicking major ass. And thankfully, the actor playing John Connor is WAY less annoying than the kid in Terminator 2.

Having said that, I think the weakest point in the show are the Terminators themselves. They just don't seem menacing enough. And they apparently have absolutely shitty aim. I mean, if Arnold can take out an entire police station in a single rampage and the terminator in the first episode can't even hit his target in a classroom full of unarmed high schoolers, that's pretty sad. (It doesn't help that the actor playing the cyborg looks like Bruce Campbell, making it impossible for you to take him seriously.)

It's not that the cyborgs aren't physically imposing, they're certainly big and beefy enough. They just seem to be lacking a certain quality, a soulless efficiency that made the T-101, T-1000, and T-X so creepy and threatening in the movies. As Adam pointed out, "It just goes to show how good of an actor Arnold was!" Er, yeah.

But overall, the series is worth watching, and it's a great way to revisit one of my favorite films from the 80's.

over 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
yeah . .it's a good show!
over 16 years ago


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