Official Artist
Rosanne Wong
Actor , Singer
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COFFEE, TEA OR ME .........................


There's not much else in coffee apart from caffeine yet we all drink it and take little time to know where it grows, how it's produced and how it affects our brains and bodies. Surely something this good must be bad for you. Au contraire! There is on-going scientific evidence that 2-4 cups of coffee a day (based on a 6oz serving) offers more health benefits than you may know.

  1. Coffee is the #1 source of antioxidants, more than wine, chocolate or tea. Antioxidants can help prevent cancer and heart disease. And girls, antioxidants prevents aging~!!!

  2. Coffee has a high level of soluble dietary fiber, more than wine or orange juice. Soluble dietary fiber helps lower total LDL (bad) cholesterol thereby reducing risk of heart disease and it also helps to manage blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. By helping insulin regulate blood sugar levels in the body, there is a significantly reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.

  3. Further studies of coffee also strongly suggest that regular daily intake of coffee          

  (i) lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease                                                  

  (ii) protects against chronic liver disease and gallstones                                   

  (iii) may ward off colon cancer                                                                    

  (iv) appears to have antidepressant features                                                             

  (v) has also been shown to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

  1. Drinking coffee prior to working out reduces post exercise muscle soreness by up to one half! Plus it improves physical stamina and reaction time. Overall, coffee boosts athletic endurance and physical performance.

  2. Coffee improves short-term memory recall, as well as alertness and attention to the task at hand. Because a cup of coffee is absorbed in the bloodstream within 15min - 2hr, caffeine helps process information and boost logical reasoning. Safe driving is a direct beneficiary of coffee consumption.

When people slam coffee, it's usually because coffee is known to temporarily raise blood pressure. However while the previous generation of coffee drinkers were satisfied with a single serving of coffee, today's coffee consumer is addicted to a daily habit of drive-thru kiosks and super-sized 20oz+ cups of coffee, not to mention those delicious sweet treats. I might suggest that coffee isn't so much the problem as is the habitual effect of mega cups of java several times daily.

"My believes is to in-take everything in moderation"

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYrdOk1vNy4&ap=%2526fmt%3D22

04月25日09 東方 蘋果 頭條 大公 文匯 成報 太陽 

2R 咖啡推廣Nespresso CitiZ


2R出席咖啡活動,Rosanne表示最愛買家具用品,而且廚藝了得,經常下廚。記者笑問傳出已為人太太的Race廚藝如何?她不置可否,只說:「我唔係好掂,煮甜品會好一點!」Rosanne又透露6月會在新加坡開設內衣店:「間舖頭係我們三姊妹的夢想,投資超過200萬,舖頭名叫做 Rondavous,Ronda係妹妹個名,因為我們成日唔在妹妹身邊,所以當係送畀妹妹的禮物。」她還笑言現正到處張羅不同款式的內衣,將來也會有自己設計的牌子。




前晚Nespresso CitiZ 舉行酒會派對,出席名人包括有2R、汪圓圓、廖碧兒、貝安琪、陳見飛及滕麗名等。2R甫見記者即透露其生意大計,Rosanne說:「6月會喺新加坡開內衣泳衣店,間舖頭係我哋三姊妹夾份開㗎,會用細細妹個名命名,叫做Rondavous,因為我哋成日唔喺妹妹身邊,所以當係送畀佢嘅禮物。」 2R又謂現在不時要四出選購內衣,Race笑說:「依家屋企有好多性感內衣。」又表示將來會設計自己品牌。


screen.width0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" ōnload="if(this.width>screen.width0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}">


2R 開 內 衣 店  

2R 昨 晚 到 中 環 出 席 咖 啡 品 牌 活 動 , 她 們 與 妹 妹 Ronda 夾 份 投 資 200 萬 開 一 間 內 衣 店 , 而 店 名 更 會 以 妹 妹 的 英 文 名RONDAVOUS為 名 。

Rosanne 說 : 「 我 哋 今 次 將 間 舖 頭 當 作 為 送 畀 妹 妹 嘅 一 份 禮 物 , 近 來 我 哋 都 忙 於 試 內 衣 同 睡 衣 款 式 入 貨 。 」

screen.width0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" ōnload="if(this.width>screen.width0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}">

Rosanne 日 日 試 內 衣  

Rosanne 表 示 近 日 不 停 試 穿 不 同 款 式 的 性 感 內 衣 。

前 組 合 2R 的 成 員 Rosanne 和 Race 、 陳 見 飛 及 廖 碧 兒 等 , 前 晚 到 中 環 出 席 某 咖 啡 品牌 活 動 , 其 中 同 樣 穿 上 低 胸 裙 的 2R 表 示 , 她 們 連 同 最 小 的 妹 妹 會 合 資 200 萬 元 開一 間 內 衣 店 , 而 店 名 更 會 以 妹 妹 的 英 文 名RONDAVOUS為 名 。

開 舖 當 禮 物Race ( 左 ) 和 Rosanne 前 晚 一 起 出 席 一 個 咖 啡 品 牌 活 動 。

Rosanne 說 : 「 我 哋 今 次 將 間 舖 頭RONDAVOUS當 作 為 送 畀 妹 妹 嘅 一 份 禮 物 , 近 來 我 哋 都 忙 於 試內 衣 同 睡 衣 款 式 入 貨 。 」 Race 也 透 露 收 到 不 少 內 衣 樣 辦 , 當 中 更 有 不 少 是 性 感 款式 , 令 她 們 花 多 眼 亂 。

採 訪 、 攝 影 : 何 永 寧



screen.width0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width0.7; this.alt='點擊在新窗口查看全圖\nCTRL+鼠標滾輪放大或縮小';}"> 2R掷200万开内衣店 黄婉伶曝常试穿性感睡衣

2R和贝安琪前晚(4月23日)出席咖啡推广活动,2R表示计划在新加坡开内衣店,这间店铺是以三姐妹的名义开设的,店名以最年轻的妹妹Rondavous命名,2R说:“因为我们经常不在小妹妹身边,所以当作送给她的礼物,开这间铺最少要 200万港元。”黄婉君(Rosanne)表示现在四出试内衣和睡衣,黄婉伶(Race)则说很多人都给性感睡衣她试穿。http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfyeXrdZZ


about 15 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares
Photo 96013
hai coffee master Rozy~^^ oh...coffee works that good!?I will have some more~haha. and 内衣shop(lingerie shop?)sounds fun.you do some desgins too?good luck^^
about 15 years ago
Photo 71723
Hey SIS...u going to invite me to the opening????
about 15 years ago
Photo 74740
Don't have to convince me to drink coffee! You two look great in the photos!
about 15 years ago


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